Sunday, July 15, 2012

Hindu bowel cleansing mode: Shankha Prakshalana

Translated from :

In the West, which worships fast food, which gives much importance to the restaurant, where everyone has an extra kilo , with the full range of obesity-related diseases, and where they amass fortunes by selling slimming methods, is where we most forget to clean the part of us that "gets dirty" at least three times a day. We only at the most clean our skin and teeth. Poor cleaning for a body as complex as ours.
Through naturopathy, yoga, etc.. hygienic habits are practiced which are totally unknown to many people. There are specific cleaning of organs such as eyes, nose and mouth, as well as internal organs such as the kidneys, large intestine, etc.., salt water purification systems, herbal teas, special diets for cleansing certain organs or detoxifying the body.

Shank Prakshalana an ancient technique of India, is the ingestion of water to cleanse the bowel. Salt is added to the water so that it won´t be absorbed through the intestinal wall, which would be eliminated by the kidneys. The postural movements made lead the water to the rectum, and the water intake only ends when the water comes out as clean as when it entered.

Before starting the description of the technique it seems appropriate to reflect on the importance of having a clean bowel. By transforming the food, the body produces waste and toxins to be eliminated. Hence the importance of keeping the bowel in the best cleanliness. A good help, no doubt, is provided by the diet of easily digested and contain fiber, such as fruits, vegetables and salads.

Avoiding completely or partially, meat is a good way to not put putrid poison into intestine. The advice for a non-vegetarian is to take a maximum of meat once a week (as our grandparents did). Strong and spicy condiments, should also be taken in  moderation. Fish should be taken in small quantities and better grilled. The best way to take dairy is  in yogurt.

It was found that the debris that sticks to the intestine, forming crusts for a long time and producing a permanent irritation of the intestinal mucosa may be the cause of many cancers, especially colon, as it is shown that the intestinal tracts more likely to have cancer are the curvatures of the colon. They produce a decrease in the speed of the circulating material, embedding and favoring its subsequent putrefaction, leading to irritation, ulceration and cancer.

It may be that a person evacuates normally every day and unknowingly suffers from chronic constipation, with the consequences that entails. That is, the material is removed, but delayed, giving time for the germs that proliferate eventually poisoning the body. This must, therefore, be monitored, because the consequences of constipation, one way or another, are foul breath, headache, insomnia, depression, irritability, sciatica, hemorrhoids, cancer, appendicitis, skin rashes, etc..
In our Western society it is considered repugnant to even talk about these things, it is considered that everything related to the digestive tract is something repulsive. But we must overcome it because we're just working with our own body, which, come what may, we must accept, if not we will cause more problems.

We suggest this treatment four times per year, taking advantage of seasonal changes. The best moment is in the morning fasting, and better on a holiday, in which there is no hurry and you can take advantage the rest of the day to savor the peace that invades the body and gives a special touch to this day. It is better to be alone, walking and, if possible, perform relaxation exercises, meditation or yoga, or you can listen to music, or walking through the countryside, all in a day that the person devotes herself to reconnect after the days of agitation and hurry. The advantage of cleaning with salt water is that the entire intestine and bowel is cleaned at once.

People who find the salt water distasteful can be replace it by the boiling water resulting from various vegetables. The salt water should be warm or even somewhat hot. This prevents the chilling effect on the body of large amounts of cold water, and also as is well known, the hot water cleanse better than cold. The total time for cleaning with salt water can be from one to three hours.

If at the end note your stomach feels full, there is some water remaining in it. To remove it you repeat the exercises from the first movement, to remove water from the stomach by opening the pylorus (see "Cycle of movements"). If the feeling of fullness occurs further down, you are better off to stop the intake of water, repeat the exercises and return to the bathroom. Once you  regain normal sensation, continue taking the glasses of water as indicated in "method to follow." After two or three stools, the water will be only cloudy, with variations in color. All this indicates that the cleaning process is correct and should be continued until the water runs as clear as it entered.

In relation to small problems that may occur, include the possible irritation of the anus, this can be solved by cleaning in the bidet followed by applying a small amount of olive oil as a lubricant. For the person making his first bowel cleansing is desirable that a few days before washing with salt water, he practice the motions of the body indicated in "Cycle of movements", to train.

The exercise of bowel cleansing with salt water should not be conducted if the person is not in perfect health. They should not be done by people currently suffer some digestive problems such as gastric or duodenal ulcer, or diseases such as diarrhea, colitis, appendicitis, intestinal tuberculosis, cancer, etc.. We can say that this technique is used in certain hospitals and even to supplement rejuvenation cures where, under supervision, it may be done even daily, supplemented with vegetable broths to remineralize the body.

No doubt to be cleaned of something as dirty as our gut can be, is in itself, something enormously beneficial. But I must also add that amazing experiences have been observed, such as the elimination of some product ingested months earlier. I have personally seen how I removed a small piece of plastic ingested by accident months earlier and had been in some intestinal fold.

Intestinal cleansing results in a sensation of inner stillness, which in the days following will result in better sleep, better breath, the disappearance of rashes or pimples, and even the disappearance of body odors (including in the first bowel movement .) They should also be noted that it tonifies, as well as  stimulates the liver and other abdominal glands, especially the pancreas. Even some cases of diabetes (non-insulin) were treated successfully performing this exercise every other day and under medical supervision for two months. Finally, bowel cleansing leads to a better absorption and assimilation of food.

Intestinal cleansing with salt water can make the stool be delayed for up to even 36 hours, and it will be odorless and yellow-orange. My experience, however, allows me to say that evacuations occur with normal time but with less volume, sometimes darker color than yellow, and odorless.

The advice for the week before cleansing  with salt water, is to prepare the bowel with a reduction in fatty foods and meat, replacing them with larger amounts of vegetables, salads and fruits. It is also advisable to follow this regimen after completion of bowel cleansing to gradually go back to each individual eating habits after.

Once the bowel cleansing is finished you must eat a food half hour or at the latest one hour later, since the gastrointestinal tract must not be left empty for over one hour. This requires making a meal of cooked white rice too (to help digestion), to which is added olive oil, in order to lubricate the intestinal walls again. Instead of rice you can be use wheat pasta (like macaroni, noodles, etc.). Not integral and is very well boiled.

The following meals, and even the first 24 or 48 hours should not be any acidic food or drink (tomatoes, yogurt, milk, fruit, soft synthetics, etc..) Or spicy (salsa, garlic, onion, condiments), nor stimulants (coffee, tea, chocolate, etc..). Simply take neutral foods such as rice, cooked vegetables, bread, macaroni, noodles, vegetables, salads (lettuce, carrots, olives, beets, sprouts, etc..) And semi-hard cheese which is not fermented. In short, simple foods, easily digested, so as to not irritate the bowel we have just cleaned.

Regarding drinks, the above applies to meals, but try not to drink any liquid until you have made your first meal, because, otherwise, the "trap" would continue, and we would find that we could not put no end our visits to the bathroom. Alcohol is prohibited both before and after exercise for at least three days after completing the cure. After the first food is advisable to take herbal teas (dandelion, nettle, sarsaparilla, etc..), Supplementing the total body purification.

Any person making the cleansing with salt water, will instinctively choose foods more carefully, because they will become aware of the special feeling you have when you clean the bowel. One has the feeling of having a bowel again, as a newborn, no longer with bloating or flatulances, or gases. Something like an inner stillness linked with peace and welfare is transmitted to the body. So, after cleaning and the first meal it is advisable to rest, avoiding cold. And all this without loading the mind with reading, but only relaxation or music.

Boil 3 quarts of water, then let it cool, then add sea salt or Himalayan salt, do not use refined common salt and additives. (A teaspoon per liter).
Drink two glasses of lukewarm salt water .
Perform the four movements in "Cycle of movements".
Drink two glasses of lukewarm water. 

Perform the four stroke cycle again.
Continue like this until you have drunken six glasses. This is a full water intake cycle.
Go to the bathroom and wait for evacuation to occur . If not produced within five minutes, repeat the cycle of  movements, without water.

If the first evacuation doesn´t occur, an enema should be performed to start the siphoning.
From the first evacuation, follow the full course of water intake, perform the exercises and go to the bathroom.

End when the water is as clean as it comes (can take twenty to forty glasses or even more). To do this, stop drinking water and stay near the bathroom for an hour, it is normal to evacuate a couple of times more.

Do not drink until the first meal, which must occur between half and one hour later.


A simple cycle of four movements drives the water through the digestive tract until it is evacuated. Each movement is repeated four times on each side, alternately, except the first, which it is advised to be performed six times. The total cycle will take about a minute.

Movement 1
With feet about 30 cm and arms raised, fingers interlaced, palms up, upright, stretch up.  Stay on your tiptoes a few seconds, then repeatedly rest on  your feet and stretch up again 6 times.

Movement 2
With your  feet about 30 cm apart and arms raised, fingers interlaced, palms up, upright, perform chest turns sideways six times on each side with a total of twelve inclinations, starting with the left side  (total time 12 seconds). With these movements you will evacuate water from the stomach, since with them the pylorus opens.

Motion 3
With the same previous position of the feet, extend your right arm horizontally and turn left, until the hand touches the collarbone, which takes place when trunk rotation leading arm extended back as far as possible, looking at the fingertips. Follow quickly towards the other side. The motion will be four times on each side, which comprises a total of eight movements (total time 10 seconds). With these moves the water is fed through the small intestine.

Motion 4
Place the body lying face down and lift the head, resting on the palms of the hands (directed forward) and the toes (also bent forward) with the feet about 30 cm. apart.  Turn your head, shoulders and trunk to look the opposite heel (if started on the right should be left heel). Make four turns in a row, without stopping, on each side, ie a total of eight movements (total time 15 seconds). With these movements is the water is fed to the end of the small intestine.

Motion 5
Squat, feet 30 cm apart and placing with his heels to the outside of the thighs (not under the buttocks), and with hands on knees, which are separated about 50 cm. First rotate the head and torso to the right, placing the left knee on the floor in front of the opposite foot. Hands will assist with the movement, each time trying to press one half of the belly in order to press the colon. To complete this pressure it is well to look back and press the abdomen. These movements are carried out first by compressing the right side of the abdomen, in order to press the ascending colon. Make four moves on each side, representing a total of eight times (total time 15 seconds). This movement will drive the water through the colon.

Posted by Jorge Barros originally in spanish.


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